季節は変わった2020/11/02 09:54

ハリス・リスク(米国大統領選)2020/11/03 07:36

  from <Gundlach : Trump will win, next week, and
By 2027 "There will be some sort of Revolution">

by Tyler Durden in Zero Hedge, wed, 10/28/2020


Gundlach clarified that he does not think Biden is a socialist,
but that pressured by the Democratic Party's base, his
administration would pursue higher taxation and "social
polices", but it's hard to be sure because Biden has changed
many of his positions over his long political carrier.
The opposite is true of Biden's running mate, California Senator
Kamala Harris, who Gundlach called "one of the most left
leaning people in all of the Senate" who is not shy about sharing
her opinions.
Gundlach then said that Americans should consider the all too
real possibility that a Biden victory means that at some point
within the next four years, Harris will ascend to the presidency.
"We have to discount the probability of the outright socialist
policies with outrageous amount of deficit spending", said
Gundlach. "That would pose a big problem for stock and bond
Yet no matter who the winners is on Nov 3, Gundlach said that
2020 is just another in a series of election cycles that have
increased in their tumult and oddity....and predicted that by
2027, economic inequality, strained by fiscal and monetary
policy, would come to the point of some sort of revolution,
which should put the 2024 presidential election directly in the
path of massive social, economic and political change. Which,
incidentally, is more or less everything that we have been saying
for the past 12 years. "When I said that I think Trump is going to
win in 2016, I also said that if you think 2016 is weird, just wait
for 2020," said Gundlach.
"Well, if you think 2020 is weird, just wait until 2024. You ain't
seen nothing yet."

(財政・金融政策によって緊張した経済的不平等は、ある種の革命  が起こる域に達し・・・2024年の大統領選挙は、大規模な社会的・

風邪?インフル?それともコロナ!2020/11/05 07:58

Is it a Cold, the Flu or COVID-19 ?

from Northwestern Univ. news release Oct. 27, 2020
in Health Day Nov. 3, 2020

> How you can tell the difference between these three illnesses?
Many symptoms of the common cold, Flu and COVID-19

All three can cause fever, sneezing, cough and fatigue.

One symptom that seems to be unique to COVID-19 is a loss
of sense of smell or taste. Compared to COVID-19 and the Flu,
the common cold is usually a mild illness.

Experts say the only way to know for sure if you have COVID
is to get tested. They also stress the importance of getting a
Flu shot.

> Common Cold symptoms:

runny/stuffy nose(鼻水/鼻詰まり), sneezing(くしゃみ),
sore throat, cough, sinus congestion(副鼻腔の鬱血),
postnasal drainage(後鼻部の排膿)

> Common Flu symptoms:

high fever, sore throat, cough, shortness of breath,
muscle aches, fatigue, nausea/vomiting(吐き気/嘔吐),

> Common COVID-19 symptoms:

high fever, cough, shortness of breath, muscle aches/weakness,
fatigue, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, loss of taste/smell

キダチダリア2020/11/27 16:34