『女ノマド一人砂漠に生きる』2013/03/11 18:40

The author draws two living forms called namadism and the

When nomads lived seperately in desert, they lived in a link
with various people. In case of being without food, they were
allowed to eat food of another person. In the desert, even as
for the woman, she put livestock out to pasture, cooked and
ate, slept, and died, alone. They lived calmly.

Time goes by, they live near in the settlement. They are
fascinated with getting money for their house, cars, and so on.
They do anything if they intend to get money. And they cannot
afford to be considerate of another person.

We were awakened to a bond since the year before last. We
hoped that disaster victims regained everyday life early. In this
process, I was puzzled over the irony like what nomads
experienced. And now, I gave up trying to find what only God